
About Us

Who We Are

Global Ayurveda Magazine established in 2003 is the first of its kind circulated all over the World from Australia to South Africa even before this online edition came into existence. Based in Kerala, the southern Indian State which is the cradle of Ayurveda in India it has authors from Ayurveda degree interns to Dr P K Warrier (late) the chief of Kottakkal Aryavaidya Sala and displays articles on Ayurveda from experts all over the WorldGlobal Ayurveda Magazine collaborates closely with Ayurveda initiatives in research field and natural medicine product exhibitions from USA, UK, Germany, New Zealand etc. Ayurveda Universities in India have always cooperated with this magazine as it had provided space for its MD students to publish their research papers.


We will promote modern Ayurveda with traditional values in its growth and development as the world has accepted those values to go green and natural. Edited by an extremely experienced journalist this magazine’s noble causes will continue to pass on its glory worldwide. Hope this magazine would become your added reading space for day-today happenings in Ayurveda.


Joseph Mathew P
Founding Editor